ISBI Photo Sharing and Competition 2019

According to InfoTrends, about 1.2 trillion photographs have been taken in year 2017. However, the number of shared photographs during conferences stays dramatically low!

During ISBI 2019, we propose novice and confirmed photographer to share their productions. Additionally, for those willing to, a competition is organized to elect the best ISBI 2019 visual.

So, stay “focused”, smile, and share!

How to Participate:

 Nothing could be easier. Just post your photo on “Twitter” with the correct hashtag.

To simply share your photograph, use “#ISBI2019PhotoShare”.

To take part in the competition use “#ISBI2019PhotoCompetition”.

Competition Rules:

Your production for the competition will take the form of a photomontage, containing at least one picture by topics cited below.

Topics to be covered:

  • A Venice monument/landscape/overview
  • A scientific moment (lecture/exhibition…)
  • A social interaction involving participants

So your photomontage should contain at least 3 pictures.

The post counting the highest amount of likes will designate the winner.


 The winner will receive the official “ISBI Best Photographer” certificate, required for any successful research career in a near future, and the photograph will become the official visual for ISBI 2019, world without end.